Friday, August 1, 2008

The Family comes..

I had a blast this past week entertaining family, and letting them share in the 90 degree heat wave with our non-air conditioned house:) We survived fine, and revved up a window AC unit to help cool us down.
The little man was the center of attention, but he also made everything a lot of fun.
I have a lot of great pictures, so I'm going to do "segments" of vacation every few days until I am done:)
First Segment: At a lake on the way up the mountain.
We posed for some beautiful pictures:


That's more like it:)

I taught Caleb some bad habits:) (oops!)

Caleb had a blast playing in the water.

We chased down a chipmunk even though it started raining.

I did a QUICK job in photoshop to highlight the chipmunk and Caleb.

Next segment: The rest of Pikes Peak and Garden of the Gods.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had a great time!
Thank you very much for having us.
Nice pictures!