Thursday, December 31, 2020

Christmas 2020

We had many great Christmas Moments with family despite COVID being around. Grandma's Christmas party was canceled for the first time every, but we still spent some great moments doing puzzles ect. with them.
Jay got a hoverboard attachment and Andy got some Vikings gear. Ellie got some barbie mermaids. We saw the "Christmas Star of 2020" together.
Ellie liked it when we did store pickup and waited in the car at places like Kohls and Target. She would pretend to be my puppy in the back seat:)

Friday, December 18, 2020

Dec 2020

We did a lot of making our own fun when it came to December 2020.
I tried to be funny with some Christmas card photos, but they didn't turn out that great.
We had some campfires and fun with grandpa and grandma
I made Ellie a shirt with my Cricut and a few other cool things:
Buddy the Elf came to visit:
We went to check out the light show at the Greeley Grizwalds:
Our town rocked it with the Christmas celebration parade with free individually bagged snacks and an Ice Sculpturer:
We also spent time watching our favorite Christmas movies.
We had some other fun moments:
Some people always say "Careful" when my kids do crazy things. I do have a cautious side, but I also know my kids...and they are very agile and athletic.
We savored the moments we got with our favorite people:
The boys got a TV (mostly for video games and DVD's) in thier room.