Monday, August 30, 2010

Thank You...

To Grandma (John's mom) who has helped out a ton during my gall bladder surgery and afterwords. Jay has enjoyed his time with her too!
Chad and Christine also visited this past weekend:

Jay had his 2 month checkup today. He weighs a little over 11 lbs (30th percentile), his height is 21.9 inches (34th percentile), and his head circumference is 15.7 (48th percentile). He can do all the normal 2 month things: Smile, Coo, Tracking, Holding up his head... He got a bunch of shots, but did pretty good with them. We'll see how the rest of the day goes:)

My last two weeks of being a full-time mom are flying by. I have tons of appointments and things I need to finish before I start work again. I am pretty excited to start work though. I miss the kids I teach, and teaching is something that I am good at, so even though Jay going to a babysitter for 5-6 weeks before John can be a full-time dad will be hard, I'm looking foreword to it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jay looks so happy.
I bet he's good all the time :)
(Yah right!)
Can't wait to see him.
Grandma N