Friday, March 16, 2012

31 weeks & 20 months

So I am 31 weeks now.
I feel bigger than I was at 37 weeks last time. I have been doing good otherwise. I still have to eat every few hours because otherwise I will get very nauseous. My midwifes say everything is looking great, and I am measuring a little big but not enough to change the due date. They said my weight gain is fine (20 lbs.)
I am getting very excited for baby!
I have really been nesting, so I plan to post more pictures this weekend...but here are a few more of the boys:

Jay eating his snack outside. Outside is his FAVORITE place to be!

With the big boy bed comes CRAZY morning hair. He needs a haircut very soon. I asked John if he combed his hair before he went to the babysitter this morning and he said "no way, it's too darn cute to comb"
His favorite foods include dipping. He loves "dip, dip, hot dog" and "dip, dip, pancakes"

He has been combining words the last few days. "Ball back" when he wants the ball back, "go home" when he wants to go home, "my _____" when he wants something that is his. "go side" when he wants to go outside. It is pretty cute, but he also is having a hard time learning that even though he can vocalize a lot more now he doesn't always get his way:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute pics!
I'm with John, why comb
hair when it's so cute?
G-ma N