Saturday, October 27, 2012

A bunch of Random Photos...and things I don't want to forget

This is what happens when you dress the kids for the day, then one has a blowout so you change subconsiously dress them exactally alike without realizing it:)
Jay and I with our Broncos hats on:
I love this picture of Jay in his monster towel before bedtime
It seems like all the best pictures of the boys together have been on the floor. Although it doesn't hurt that Jay has a sucker in his hand. (I told him we were going to the bank and he got really excited for the sucker..but we were just dropping some things off because the bank is closed and I let him have his sucker at home to lessen the stickyness-in-the-car factor.)
Another floor picture where Jay is surrounded by his favorite things: Milk,Monkey, and Andy.
Andy is SOOOO teething. Notice the drool. Notice him especially loving sucking on anything with rough edges.
Jay and I built a snowman on the picnic table. I didn't know what to use for the face so I got out some candy:)
We went to a trick or treat thing in town. They fed us pizza! Jay loved being Manning and he was the only one there.
Some of the scarry scenes were exciting to look at.
Andy is the football (not a skeleton if you thought that). Jay looks adorable in this picture.
Of course his favorite game to play at the carnival type party was the throwing of the football. And YES, he did make it in once.
We went with the neighbors:
Race car driver, Tinkerbell, Payton Manning, Football
I have been working on some fall decorations and am figuring out how to arrange this correctly with lights and leaves. Yippee Ikea stuff:)
Jay singing a favorite echo song. He is way better at it now- and once he sees that I am filming he starts acting goofy. Andy is going to start crawling any day. This has been his favorite position the last We borrowed the "rollersaucer" from Cherry again and it took Andy about a week, but we were able to start racing already:) Oh the giggles: A preview of more sillyness to come later this week:


Anonymous said...

What fun!
Love the pics and videos!
Tell Jay I'll give him some
Trick or Treat candy next
time I see him.
G-ma N

Anonymous said...

I did notice when I was up that Andy is trying to crawl already...way early! Loved the pics and videos also...and, where's the beard John?? Grandma S.