My husband has been the stay-at-home dad for a little over a month now. He is awesome and I am so glad that He loves kids (especially our adorable one) and that Jay is not at a day-care center.
He has made more than one trip to the library to return books, he is a pro at browning the hamburger for supper, and the windows and floors are now clean!
It becomes apparent that he is a stay-at-home dad when:
-at 10:30 at night I hear the shower start. When I ask him why he is taking a shower at 10:30 at night he responds with: "I haven't taken a shower in 2 days, I thought it would be a good idea". That sounds like my first few weeks with with baby:)
-The first DVD he pops in the DVD player in the morning isn't "The Big Bang Theory" or "How I Met your Mother" it is "God made Me" or "Baby Beethoven"
-While at a family gathering over Thanksgiving, my cousins and aunts and I were talking about breastfeeding, colic, teething, and baby poop when I realized that John was the only guy in the room and was joining right in the conversation. Afterwords I heard that the discussion in the other room was about video games. Ironic.
-He talks to the TV. I think it is something about hanging out with a baby all day that makes an adult want adult interaction.
-While taking care of Jay on Saturday a few weeks ago, Jay and I let John sleep in. When John did get up and smiled at Jay, Jay let out a little giggle because he was happy to see Daddy!
Although I am jealous once in a while, I really am happy to be at work. I love Jay like crazy and can't wait to see him smile at me when I get home...but I know I am where I am supposed to be. Thank you to my AWESOME husband.
He talks to the tv for adult interaction....that is too cute. Love it, stay at home dad's are awesome. Sounds like you nabbed a great one (even if he's unshowered at times) ;-)
We always knew John would be a great Dad, so this proves it!
Way to Go John!
Babies keep you busy.
Keep up the good work!
G-ma N
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