Saturday, August 21, 2021

School Starts again!

Here comes another school year. No mask mandate (yet) so we are back to normal school pictures:) Jay is in 6th grade and freaked out the night before middle school with tears, coming to my bed, worrying about friends, and ect...but then we we pulled up, 2 of his long time friends from grade school were also walking up to...and he was like "I'm fine I got this". He is THRIVING and keeping track of his homework so far. I really hope it continues. He is in band and drawing for some elective classes, and is still playing JM tackle football for the club in town.
Andy is in 4th grade:
The transition back to school: listening, learning, keeping shoes on...has all been a struggle so far. I am hopeful that we can make some improvements soon. He is also playing 4th grade JM takle football on the team that John is coaching and is rocking that. Ellie started KINDERGARTEN!
She is so proud to be going to "Mommy's school" and so far she is thriving. Her teacher is Ms. Boyles and her class is SO good (which is just luck of the draw every year). She pretends to play teacher and school many days after we get home, and is always happy. Even the specials teachers have said very nice things about her behavior and helpfulness.
I am in year 4 of teaching Innovation lab and I have a DINOSAUR theme this year.

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