Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Covid-19 at Home (part 2)

Another thing that I am excited about is that I started selling resources on Teachers Pay Teachers. My first (and free) resource has been up for around 3 weeks, and it has over 1000 downloads. Now I need to start adding more resources to make some actual money:)
I also compiled and edited a video for school about what was going on. The kids have been my guinea pig/demonstrators for all my STEM activities I am creating for my students. Andy built a Lego Bridge, Jay built a TP roll-er coaster and more.
John has been the most busy with Church worship, but our family was a big part one filming day, Jay helped out singing the doxology: Apparently Howling at the moon at 8pm is a thing, and we did it faithfully for over a week with our neighborhood.
Ellie tried out some of her own recipes:
She also started talking to her play-doh like she had her own youtube channel. We let the camera run, and did some editing of the takes:) We had some dress up days for spirit week (and added to our flipgrids and Zoom meetings in costumes), and even began wearing masks or other face protection when picking up the free lunches from the bus stop. Andy thinks his face guard is hilarious. John and I mostly wear bandanas.
I created my own version of Deal or No Deal for the kids one day when I had mom guilt about ignoring them for the few days before that because I was back to work (well, working from home on my computer and in zoom meetings most of the day).
I think they got a kick out of it:)
Apparently, the boys had their own projects going:
Ellie is so fun, and so messy and crazy all at the same time. She loves going for a walk to get the free lunch, and she tried some Moana Yoga to help me test some links:)
Overall, we are happy that we have our little family to be with, and so thankful for everything we have and can do. School work for the boys has gone well (maybe Andy needs a little more prompting sometimes). Our grocery pickup orders are for 5 days out, so I ordered on Monday and got a Friday morning pick-up time. Andy was pumped to see Apples in the free school lunches, because we ran out of those a few days ago, and he typically eats 2-3 a day on a quarantine day:) We have virtual happy hours with friends, Family zoom meetings on the weekends, and try to always go outside when we are on each others nerves. It is strange that everything is up in the air, but we didn't have too many plans besides Flag football (which is canceled). I'm wondering what will happen with their birthday parties, but we will have awesome decor and games even if it is just us (but hopefully a few people can come if we plan for the end of May). We miss seeing everybody:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hang in there! What family fun!
Love you guys,
G-ma N